Thursday, June 28, 2012

Then Germans Bombed Our Chippie

Germany 2 - Greece 0

Is anyone else just about fed up with Fat Frau Merkel? If reports are to be believed, she thinks we should all become more like the Germans. No, not marching with a funny walk and invading Poland, but being really thrifty and hoarding our cash.

Hang on! Have we not been here before? Let's remind ourselves. After WWII we gave the Germans millions of dollars and pounds and francs to rebuild their country. Everyone was scared they would choose the Commies (which Fat Frau's family did), so we bribed them to be nice Western Europeans. See my blog of 5 November 11 for more details.

The result is, apparently, now we all have to join up with the Germans in a kind of Pan-European superstate where the Krauts make all the rules and everyone else picks up the tab.


There are people, of course, who consider that “let bygones be bygones” is correct. They are commonly called idiots. There are those who say “the sins of the fathers should not be visited on the sons”. They are well-meaning idiots.

My view is simple. The Germans owe us. Forget that the present generation might not have been born. They still owe us. They will go on owing us for about another 900 years. Then we might have a re-think.

An interesting programme was broadcast by the BBC the other night about Greece and the problems they are having. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Also, beware of Greeks bearing grudges. An old Greek war hero (of the resistance) was interviewed. He forecast doom and gloom if the Greeks are forced to accept yet another form of German hegemony. Who could blame him? He was captured and tortured by the Germans. Now he is supposed to kowtow to them and accept a crust of bread as his reward? I think not.

Now the Greeks are hardly blameless in their present financial situation, but to hear Fat Frau lecturing them on the moral way to behave really must make them sick.

I can't blame them.

I like a lot of Germans I have met, as individuals. This does not excuse their guilt. The fact that they effectively rigged the Euro to suit themselves has somehow got lost.

They must not be allowed to forget. Neither should we.

Sunday, June 03, 2012


A history lesson

A fascinating documentary last week about Nazi football hooligans in the Ukraine and Poland ahead of this year's European Championship.

Of course, everyone knows that Hitler and his Nazi cronies were quite the most unpleasant volk on the planet during the short-lived “Thousand Year Reich”. What is less well-known is the well-documented flirtation of the Ukrainians and some Poles with some of the more despicable acts of the Germans.

BTW, I have never understood why today we are so concerned with the Germans and what their attitude is to the EU.. They owe us. They owe us big-time. The only reason their economy is now so strong is that it is built on the back of the post-war handouts, chiefly from the US but also from other European countries. When they get on their high horse about Greek debt it makes me sick. Do they remember what they did to the Greeks only a short time ago? If I were in charge in Athens I'd invade the bastards and take all the money I needed from the Bundesbank. All citizens of countries devastated by the Germans in WWII should be entitled to a new Mercedes. Audi or BMW when they need one. Simply turn up and collect. See how much money they have then!

Back to the football. Some bright spark decided that rewarding the bad boys of Europe with a major tournament would be a good idea. What tosh!

Most of the really nasty concentration camp guards were Ukrainian. The Ukrainian anti-Semitism is well know and well-documented. So now we are to celebrate their culture, including Neo-Nazi hoodlums, and reward them with a major championship? Crazy.

Unfortunately, the “plucky Poles” of legend pale into insignificance when set against the collaboration of a large proportion of the Polish population who not only collaborated with the Germans but actively supported the final solution. It's no accident that a large proportion of the Nazi death camps were in Poland. Local Poles could be relied on to keep stum. The Polish Home Guard refused to arm the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto. No Pole raised their head above the parapet to save the Jews of Poland from mass extermination.

I saw an interview with the head of the Polish FA saying that there is no neo-Nazi problem in Polish football. Time will tell, but it still looks like UEFA are rewarding criminal behaviour.

Before we go further, let us deal with the “sins of the fathers” argument. It is crap. Nations which have contributed to mass murder and torture in the 20th century will need a lot more that 70 years to redeem themselves. We should have no truck with those who would forget the past for they are destined to relive it in the future.

Back to football. I enjoyed the Italian politician who suggested that in the wake of the match-fixing debacle in Italy all football should be banned for, say, three years. I want this man on my team. What a blessing it would be.

Is it only consequential that the most base elements of society find expression at a football match?

It is not. There are nutters everywhere, but only football gives them an excuse to get together and a rationale to behave like morons. Why?

Because football in inherently inane. Football relies on so-called supporters hating the opposition as well as “supporting” their own team. It is beyond contempt. Football provides the vehicle for morons to behave appallingly and call it legitimate. Our Ukrainian friends were defended by their FA saying that their chanting anti-Semitic garbage was OK since one of the local teams was owned by Jews. Unbelievable.

When I take over football will be played in the park. Leagues will be outlawed. I'd love to see Cartoon Rooney try to make a living doing something useful, like hospital porter.

I await the day.